What to Look for in a Criminal Lawyer?
Choosing the right Criminal Lawyer for your case can be a difficult task when you are appearing at a Criminal Court for the first time in your life.
The right Criminal Lawyer should be one who represents you to achieve the best outcome with the least cost and worry to yourself.
Crime and Punishment
Your first questions might be:
- Will I go to Gaol?
- Should I plead guilty or not guilty?
- What can I do if not all the allegations against me are true?
- It may look like I am guilty but how can I try explain that I am not?
- Can my charges be withdrawn?
- Will the Court provide me with a fair and proper hearing?
- What punishment am I likely to get?
- Do I have the right to an appeal?
At Galbally & O’Bryan our criminal lawyers can assist in answering all your questions as well as explaining the process. They can represent you so that your side of the story can be told.
Criminal Lawyers at Galbally & O’Bryan at Dandenong & Pakenham
Our Criminal Lawyers at Galbally & O’Bryan at our Dandenong and Pakenham offices have over 20 years’ experience practicing solely in Criminal Law dealing in all aspects of Crime including assaults, theft, robbery, deception, fraud, drug possession, drug trafficking, sexual assault and family violence .
Traffic Offence Lawyers
Galbally & O’Bryan Lawyers are well informed in relation to the Road Laws across Victoria including how best to retain your driver’s license.
What Should a Criminal Lawyer Provide to you?
A good Lawyer should be knowledgeable in all aspects of Criminal Law including the specifics relating to your case. They should then be able to communicate to you in straightforward language and understandable terms the issues in your case, the most realistic achievable outcome and provide you with advice that allows you to make the right decisions.
Lawyers at Galbally & O’Bryan
Criminal Lawyers at Galbally & O’Bryan are generally accessible on a regular basis by telephone or in conference at our offices. We are happy to discuss with you your ongoing concerns and worries as your case progresses towards a satisfactory outcome.
Advice to you should be honest and direct and should provide you with realistic objectives.
At Galbally & O’Bryan we aim to achieve the best possible outcome for you in your case while advising you of the process and the progress of your case each step of the way. We do this in order that you continue to understand what is happening with your case at anytime. We are happy to meet with you regularly to discuss ongoing developments.
For more information regarding your Criminal Law case please contact Paul Galbally or Kartya Gracer at our Dandenong & Pakenham offices.